Oh girlfriends! I am blessed that you’d come back to read more of this story. I’ll jump right into the next chapter as I recently found this in a journal entry from the summer of 2011. It read:
“Ten Things God has taught Jessica Jane”
“Ten Things God has taught Jessica Jane”
* He alone is the God Almighty.
* He sustains.
* He never leaves.
* He is faithful to His Word.
* Nothing goes to waste - God uses it all for His glory.
* God is at work all the time.
* He hears prayers.
* He answers them.
* His timing is impeccable.
* God prepares the way.
I share this because even though this little white dress story involves unimaginable heart-breaking pain and betrayal, it also tells of God's sovereignty, redemption, grace andforgiveness.
In the midst of the tears, the sleepless nights, a heartache that would not go away, the loneliness, pain and disappointment of shattered hopes and dreams, God heard each prayer and cry for strength. He walked with me during the daily battle of a new, unwanted and unmerited future someone else had chosen for me. I prayed. The good Lord answered. God provided and He made a way.
Two years ago, I was driving across the country in a quest to change my husband’s mind. I had just heard the words, “I'm unhappy and I don’t want to be married anymore” over the phone and I was in a hurry to get home and remind him of our love for eachother. I knew this had to be a mistake.
After I arrived home to see those bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, I still couldn't believe his words. Yet he continued to say them; they were as real as the sun shining that summer day. I was in shock. I questioned his decision. How could this be? We had a good marriage. Counseling could fix this. We could fix this. God could fix this. We could make it through this.
Five days later, we walked into the courthouse and my husband filed for divorce.
I flew back to San Diego the following weekend numb, in complete disbelief, but hopeful that he might change his mind before the divorce was final. I wanted together forever and happily ever after.
OK, this girl has to get back to work! I will pick up where I left off in my next post AND fill you in on the details of my trip back home.
Much love!
P.S. Is there something that has just rocked your world? Ask God to help you get through it. He will. God will give you the strength and everything you need. The Lord our God is faithful.
"I cried out to the Lord in my great trouble, and he answered me.” Jonah 2:2
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for the One who is promised, is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Finally getting caught up on your blog...I am so happy that you are doing this!!! God has made some major changes in your life and is now giving you grace to share it. You are living proof that God never wastes a hurt...Love you!