Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Arkansas Trip: Part 2

Hey y'all! 

Jumping right back into the Arkansas Trip, the other big prayer that God answered was the miracle of forgiveness. The ability to forgive my husband for the hurt and pain was a pure miracle and gift from God. As Christians, we are commanded to be compassionate and forgive each other just as Christ Jesus forgave us. (Ephesians 4:32). The good Lord knows, I’ve needed much forgiveness and I am responsible to extend that same grace to those around me….those who love me, who adore me, AND those who have hurt me.

Forgiveness, for cryin’ out loud. That word stinks sometimes  and other times it has never sounded so sweet.

At first I didn't have the "want to" to forgive him. He hurt me and the covenant in OUR marriage had just willingly been broken. There was betrayal and pain … mess ups and mistakes. But I knew I had to honor the forgiveness I've received in my life (I believe God has forgiven me of everything I've ever done wrong, or bad or mean in my life through Jesus' death on the cross) and I had to forgive as well.

Sometimes our feelings and emotions don't line up with what we are supposed to do. If I had waited for when "I felt like it,” then that forgiveness may have never come.  But thankfully it did. Through the sweet and gentle Spirit of God, I committed that I would be obedient to God by forgiving my husband for the hurt and pain his decisions caused. I hope and pray he’s been able to forgive me as well. (It takes two, remember?!)  

Some days were better than others, but let me tell you it was TOUGH! The heartache didn't instantly go away once I decided to forgive him. It almost made it hurt a little worse because in my head it felt okay to justify why I was holding onto the pain. But deep down, I knew that as long as I held onto that grudge of bitterness, heartache, rejection and disappointment, it would control me…and those were things I did not want to be characterized by. It’s hard to think that emotions can control our lives, but resentment and bitterness do just that in the meanest and most subtle way. They take the joy out of living, damage relationships, harden hearts and suck the life right out of you and those around you.

To be honest, I think my husband could have cared less if I forgave him or not. He had moved on and I was the only one standing in the way of myself at that point. A girlfriend told me that “forgiveness is like taking your hand off of the other person’s throat.” Whoa. Let that mental picture sink in for a minute. Forgiveness is an on-going process and is a necessary one in order to get on with life and move forward.

I could write so much more, but if you get one thing out of this post, it’s this: forgiveness is freedom. I know, it’s easy to justify and argue the truth when you have evidence of someone hurting you, but it’s not all about us sometimes. (That last statement has gotten me a time or two.) God has bigger plans for each of us, but He needs us to let go of things, so that He can do His perfect work. It’s hard, trust me, I know! Please know that I’m not down-playing any hurt or pain that someone might have caused you. Painful heartaches, rejection, and disappointment are all real and forgiveness doesn’t always instantly make things better or easier. But God DOES heal all wounds and will make things better. We just need to let Him.

If you’re still unsure about this forgiveness thing, take a look at this message titled, “I’ve got a friend who…can’t seem to forgive someone.”   It has some great and powerful truths in it.

Forgiveness through God's grace has been the most instrumental piece in the healing of my heart and the ability to move forward with my life. Without it, I don't know where I'd be today. 
Love ya tons! Will write soon.

Praying that God will soften our hearts to forgive others. God forgave us and I pray that through His almighty power, we will too. Don't let something in the past hinder you from enjoying the present or from the excitement God has planned for your future.

 “In Jesus we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” Ephesians 1:6-8

“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:12-14

 “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Luke 7:46-48


  1. You are SO right Jessica! Forgiveness just stinks sometimes. It is something that I definitely struggle with. Which I think hurts my heart even more because I know that God forgives me in everything that I do, so who am I to not forgive! I love how transparent and honest your writing is. I can't wait to keep reading about your story! Though I haven't been in your situation, I know it will help me grow.

    1. Suzy, I loved your comment!!! You're right on, girlfriend. Thank you for sharing your thought and your sweet support. I so appreciate it! Sending my love to y'all! xoxo

  2. great message on forgiveness but what does this have to do with part 2 of your trip?

    1. Hi! Thanks for your question. At first, it doesn't look like the two are related at all so I totally understand your question! While I was in Arkansas that trip a few big things happened (the divorce filing, discovering bits and pieces as to "why" or "what" triggers such a decision, etc.) but one of the monumental events/decisions during that trip was the choice I had made to forgive my husband for the heartache and the sudden havoc his decision had brought to my life. That traumatic shock and hurt was something that I had not yet known in this life and it ripped my world apart. It would had been easy to hold a grudge of anger and hurt against him, but while I was home I had made a deliberate decision to forgive him and turn that hurt over to God to deal with the pain appropriately. Make sense? If not, shoot me an email at and we can chat more. Thanks again!-Jes
